Daylight Cleaning

It's a New Day in Cleaning

Traditional facility cleaning is an “out of sight, out of mind” process. The cleaners show up at night, clean the building, and are gone by the next morning. But a different approach to facility cleaning -- cleaning during daytime hours -- offers substantial financial and non-financial benefits for facility managers and building owners.

Cleaning Facility Services is proud to have become involved in Day Cleaning, CFS will be introducing Day Cleaning through a partnership with DCS Global Enterprises LP, a leading provider of cleaning consulting services. Our goal is to not only practice sustainability in all we do, but to help our clients become more sustainable in their operations. Day Cleaning will help our clients achieve significant, measurable reductions in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions




Day cleaning is not typical night cleaning performed during the day. Our Healthy High Performance Day Cleaning (HHPC), program consist of: sustainable cleaning practices, tools, equipment and chemicals with the addition of specific customer service techniques and a customized cleaning approach developed specifically for a daytime environment.  The HHPC Day program produces several direct and indirect benefits.

The Benefits of Healthy High Performance Day Cleaning

Day cleaning can reduce the amount of electricity needed to light the building as the crews are now working mostly during daylight hours. In turn reduced electrical consumption lowers the amount of money spent on energy bills for the facility, decreasing operating costs. Staffing can occasionally be reduced by redundancies that are created with the overlap of day porter and night janitors now cleaning during daylight hours . This in turn reduces janitorial costs. Further, the use of water-based technology can potentially reduce a facility’s chemical procurement costs, resulting in an improved bottom line. 




Day cleaning increases building occupants’ perception of cleaning as they witness the process. This results in more satisfied building occupants who have far fewer concerns about cleaning in the workplace. Day cleaning is also a socially responsible program giving more dignity to works and allowing them to spend time at home with their families in the evenings rather than working through the night.

For Property Managers

  • Up to 8% energy savings
  • Decreased complaints
  • Environmental footprint reduction
  • Meets LEED requirements for green cleaning
  • Enhanced building security

For Occupants and Tenants

  • Proactive cleaning program
  • Improved customer service
  • Increased perception of cleanliness
  • Contribution to corporate social responsibility
  • Reduced security concern


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